How to Cope Fever in Children
Fever occurs when the body temperature is more than normal body temperature of 360C - 37.50 C. In times like these, it may take action as soon as possible to reduce fever. Here are the first aid to children with a fever.
• Compressed baby with warm water in the body that has a large blood vessels (such as the neck, armpits, and groin / groin), also on the outside and open (forehead and abdomen). Warm compresses to peripheral blood vessels in the skin which then makes widened pores open, making it easier to heat emitting from the body. Avoid using cold water compress or ice as this action resulted in smaller peripheral blood vessels so that heat is supposed to flow of blood to the skin to exit the body becomes blocked so that body heat is not reduced.
• When bathing, use warm water. In addition to making the body fresh and comfortable, warm water is also excellent for eliminating germs and bacteria on the skin. After bathing, dry the child's body quickly and dressed so as not to cold.
• Wear loose clothing thin, choose a material to absorb sweat so that your child comfortable and not swelter.
• Make sure your child get plenty of rest so that his body has enough stamina to fight infection. Try to keep your baby room air circulation so well that the room temperature remains normal.
• To prevent your baby hydrated, given enough food or drink that much soup. In infants, give breast milk as often as possible.
• If your child stays high heat although it has been given medicine for fever syrup, give febrifuge given perektal / through the anus.
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